Hens' Killer Builds
Each killer has three builds:
- Best Build Without Limitations
- This build is what Hens thinks is the strongest possible for the killer, including the best map for that killer.
- Best Build Without "Crutch Addons"
- This build is that Hens thinks is the strongest possible for the killer while not using any addons that might be considered too strong and therefore a "crutch" for that killer.
- Hens' Favorite Builds
- Hens' favorite build for that killer!
To check out the builds for any killer simply click the button for the killer below!
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- Increases your Movement speed during a Chainsaw Sprint by +20 %.
- Increases the Charge time of the Chainsaw by +12 %.

- Increases the Turn speed during the Chainsaw Sprint by +45 %.

- After hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 60 / 50 / 40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed to you for 5 seconds .
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it." — Drayton Sawyer

- Blocks the first Generator any Survivor stops repairing for 40 / 45 / 50 seconds .
- The Blocked Generator is highlighted to you in white .
Dead Man's Switch cannot activate if its effect is still active from a previous activation.
"I've seen the look on a man's face when he realises he's going to die." — Caleb Quinn

At the start of the Trial, 4 random Hooks are changed into Scourge Hooks :
- The Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in white .
You start the Trial with 4 Tokens on Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance.
Each time a Survivor is hooked on a Scourge Hook for the first time, 1 Token is consumed and the following effects apply:
- The Generator with the most Progression explodes and instantly regresses by 10 / 15 / 20 % of its total Progression.
- Normal Generator Regression applies afterwards.
- All Survivors repairing that Generator will scream, but not reveal their location.
"The pain spills beyond flesh/darkness staining the horizon." — Girl in the Shadow by Carmina Mora

Each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time, Grim Embrace gains +1 Token and activates once you are at least 16 metres away from the Hook :
- 1-3 Tokens : Blocks all Generators for 6 / 8 / 10 seconds .
- 4 Tokens : Blocks all Generators for 40 seconds and the Aura of the Obsession is revealed to you for 6 seconds .

- Increases your Movement speed during a Chainsaw Sprint by +20 %.
- Increases the Charge time of the Chainsaw by +12 %.

- Increases the Turn speed during the Chainsaw Sprint by +45 %.

- After hooking a Survivor, all Survivors who are at least 60 / 50 / 40 metres away from that Hook have their Aura revealed to you for 5 seconds .
"I just can't take no pleasure in killing. There's just some things you gotta do. Don't mean you have to like it." — Drayton Sawyer

At the start of the Trial, the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 7 / 8 / 9 seconds .
- Extends the duration of all instances of a Survivor Aura being revealed to you by +2 seconds .
"...it knows what it wants and won't stop till it gets it." — Carlos Oliveira

- The Auras of all Survivors within 16 / 18 / 20 metres of your location are revealed to you.

When carrying a Survivor, you benefit from the following effects:
- Increases your Movement speed by 6 / 12 / 18 %.
- Increases your Terror Radius by +12 metres .

- Increases the Turn speed during the Chainsaw Sprint by +45 %.

- Increases the Turn speed during a Chainsaw Sprint by +30 %.

- Triggers a Loud Noise Notification for that Generator, revealing its location.
- Grants the Undetectable Status Effect for the next 12 / 14 / 16 seconds .
Tinkerer can only trigger once per Generator per Trial.
"The Hillbilly makes impressive tools out of scraps. Tools aimed at maiming us in creative ways." — Notebook

- Reduces the duration of Pallet Stuns by 40 / 45 / 50 %.
Enduring has no effect while carrying a Survivor.
"He stops at nothing."

- Blocked Windows cannot be vaulted by Survivors.
- Increases your general Vaulting speed by 5 / 10 / 15 %.
Bamboozle only blocks one Window at a time and does not apply either of its effects to vaulting Pallets .

After hooking a Survivor, Pop Goes the Weasel activates for the next 35 / 40 / 45 seconds :
- Performing the Damage Generator action on a Generator instantly regresses it by -20 % of its current Progression
- Normal Generator Regression applies afterwards.

- Silences the Chainsaw for all Survivors outside of the Terror Radius.

- Increases the Turn speed during the Chainsaw Sprint by +45 %.

If there is at least one Dull Totem remaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Plaything activates on a random Totem each time a Survivor is hooked for the first time:
- The hooked Survivor suffers from the Cursed and Oblivious Status Effects until Hex: Plaything is cleansed.
- For the first 90 seconds , only the Cursed Survivor is able to cleanse the Hex Totem.
- The Aura of Hex: Plaything 's Hex Totem is revealed to the Cursed Survivor within 24 / 20 / 16 metres .
All effects of the Hex Perk persist until its Hex Totem is cleansed or blessed.
"We came. Now you must come with us. Taste our pleasure." — Pinhead
After performing the Damage Generator action, Machine Learning activates:
- Causes that Generator to become a Compromised Generator .
- Damaging another Generator transfers the state to it instead.
- The Aura of the Compromised Generator is highlighted to you in yellow until it is completed.
- Undetectable Status Effect
- +10 % Haste Status Effect

Performing the Damage Generator action on a Generator activates Trail of Torment :
- Grants the Undetectable Status Effect until the Generator stops regressing.
- The Aura of the damaged Generator is revealed to all Survivors in yellow .
Trail of Torment has a cool-down of 60 / 45 / 30 seconds .